The New Pandora's Box (1991)
A.K.A. Saskatoon, SK June 7 - June 29 1991

Galerie Sans Nom, Moncton, NB April 2 - April 23 1991

FOUNDWEALTH / Pandora's Box / Cowboy-Caruso / Christ over 1000 cones / Red box / Outgoing

The New Pandora's Box
L¹installation comprends 5 structures. Quatre sont des bouées qui peuvent être bercées par les spectateurs et une est un cabinet avec quatre tiroirs en acier: chaque tiroir est assigné à une structure. Lorsqu¹un tiroir est ouvert un projecteur diapositives et un bande sonore d¹un structure se mettent en marche. Des bûches ceinturées d¹anneaux métallique surmontent tel des antennes chaque bouée. Des black light sont installés dans chaque bûches. La projection de close-up de visages bleus, tiré de la télévision, se bercent sur les murs. Les quatre bandes sonores sont construite avec du matériel médiatique manipulé en studio.

The new Pandora's box

I have always loved the horror house in those cheap traveling circuses.  The fear, the surprise, the play with gravity, were to me, a real pleasure of controlled chaos.  The horror house and the pinball machine cast the same spell.  Television holds all of the same qualities.  For me, the only difference resides not in the chaos but in the control of it.

Television acts according to the ‘Butterfly’ effect.  A soap created in New Orleans can, the next day, change the entire life of a Montana household.  Horror houses and pinball machines are taken lightly.  When we walk into one of those horror house trailers, we know that the exit is just ahead.  When we play a pinball machine, we know that gravity is against us.  With television however, there is no exit and no weight.  We are all suspended in the fixed dream of somewhere else.