- Énoncé de l'artiste : Nancy Morin

I am primarily a painter and enjoy the sheer pleasure of applying paint to canvas or to whatever objects come my way. Once started, images seem to come forth on their own, a snake appears or an apple or a death head and I am continually amazed by the images that I conjure up.

Lately I have been painting used pieces of furniture, often given to me by friends. This particular bench in the installation was given to me by an artist friend and so, not only the character of the object, but also the person I associate it with, as well as the possibilities it suggests all come into play.

This bench conveyed the feelings of a church pew and so I created a stark, contemplative, church-like atmosphere in the room -- a bouquet of white hydrandeas and red bittersweet, a dim light and an incense burner, surrounding "The Artist's Bench".

- MORIN, Nancy

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