- Énoncé de l'artiste : Gil McLeroy

Cardinals, which comprises one section of a larger, gallery-size intallational work, Calendar Room, has to do with how we develop and maintain a sense of place, and with how we use language to legitimize that process and experience. The work is composed of four individual panels, each made up of seperate colour photocopy enlargements of photographs pinned together against the wall. Each panel makes up an image I shot at a specific location in Halifax while aligned with one of the primary points of the compass. On the floor in front of each panel is the pair of boots or shoes I wore while photographing each image, and which are aligned in the direction corresponding to that of each image. Over top of the image panels and hanging along the length of wall is a large section of clear heavy-duty plastic on which is printed the text of an old, popular saying:

South wind always brings wet weather,
East wind wet and cold together;
West wind surely brings us rain;
North wind blows it back again.


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