- Énoncé de l'artiste : Peter Kirby

Painting being a visual language speaks for itself. That said, I'd like to quote the writer and art critic Paul Valéry who wrote, "We must always apologize for talking painting".

The exhibition Wang Dang Doodle is a selection of paintings produced over the last two years. Indirect references to any number of inspirational sources, whether they be personal, musical, poetic or art historic, find their way into the paintings. These works coincide with the birth of my son, John; a more direct interest in jazz and rythm and blues, and a love of poetry.

The title for the exhibition comes from the houserocking classic of the same name by the great singer/songwriter, Willie Dixon. I always work with the tape recorder blaring out all the great ones like Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Joe Williams, Howling Wolf, Koko Taylor and the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, to name a few.

I derive the titles for the work primarily from music and poetry. Tantilizing a Cuban came from the Earl Hines number of the same name. Ghost of a Flea, from William Blake; and Floor Cat Drifted, from a poem by E.E. Cummings. Other pieces like Sotto Voce (latin) meaning "in an undertone", or Bindlestiff and Brumbershoots, to some extent loosely describe some of the main components of the paintings. Primarily, however, the titles are meant to complement the images while directing the viewer to some shared moment.

- KIRBY, Peter

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